Spina Bifida cannot stop me from singing, worship, acting, playing tennis, doing art, taking pictures, riding my bike, traveling around the world, working beyond limits towards my academic goal or toward my dream of becoming a pediatric specialist one day.
Of course, I have pain and struggles, especially when some people around are treating me with pity instead of taking the time to know me and value my abilities.
At times, I also wish I can wear whatever shoes I like and walk without braces, but I have learned to be content that I am able to WALK with braces and to show people that with God all things are possible, “being unique is better than being perfect”. Maybe I will never be able to wear high heels shoes, but Spina Bifida cannot take away the love and joy I have from God, the One who wonderfully formed me in my mother’s womb.”
Advocating for those with Spina Bifida, my family played a big role by sharing awareness at school. As a result, my classmates are well informed and educated on what Spina Bifida means. Also, they support me for the Spina Bifida Walk, as well as voting for me this year to be the Historian in the Student Council at school.
“ I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.”-Psalm 139:14 – Sarah Avram