SBA’s work would not be possible without the extraordinary generosity of our major donors and those who leave a lasting legacy by making a planned gift. If you have questions about your giving options, please contact a member of our Development Department at 202-618-4754 or [email protected].
Major Gifts
You can make a major gift by making a one-time contribution of $1,000 or more to the Association. When you do, we’ll welcome you into our Blue & Teal Society. As a society member, you’ll receive invitations to special events such as our Cocktails & Conversation series, periodic organizational updates, and your name listed as a major donor, unless you request otherwise.
Stocks and Securities
Donating securities is a powerful way to support SBA while maximizing your giving impact. By donating appreciated stocks or securities, you not only contribute to our mission, but also enjoy tax benefits.
If you sold your own securities, you’d have to pay capital gains tax on your investment. By donating your securities to SBA instead, you can often avoid capital gains tax, but take a full income tax deduction based upon your stock’s current market value on the date of your transfer.
SBA accepts donations of stock via DTC electronic transfer. Contact your broker to find out if there is any paperwork required on their end. Then provide your broker with the following account information for the transfer:
Organization Name: Spina Bifida Association of America, Inc
EIN: 58-1342181
Account: Edward Jones Account #685-22249-1-1
DTC: #0057
Please let us know the date of the transfer so that we can locate the shares, confirm receipt, and issue an acknowledgement directly to you or through your broker. We will need your name, contact information, e-mail address, stock name, and number of shares to acknowledge the gift.
Planned Gifts
Make a bequest to SBA in your will or other estate plans.
A planned gift allows you to leave a lasting legacy and make a significant impact on the future of individuals with Spina Bifida. By including the Spina Bifida Association in your estate planning, you can ensure that our vital programs and services continue to thrive for generations to come. Whether you choose to make a bequest, establish a charitable trust, or name SBA as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy, your planned gift will provide critical resources to support our mission and empower those affected by Spina Bifida. Your thoughtful planning today will create a brighter future for tomorrow. Whether you choose to designate a specific amount, a percentage, or the remainder of your estate, we suggest using the following language in your will:
I hereby bequeath to the Spina Bifida Association (EIN 58-1342181), a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization, with its principle offices at 1600 Wilson Blvd, Suite 800, Arlington, VA 22209, the sum of $_____, or ___% of my estate, or the remainder or residuary of my estate, for its general purposes.
Other types of planned gifts include gifts of insurance, retirement accounts, and trusts. Each comes with its own tax incentives. Please contact your attorney or tax advisor for more information.