SB-YOU was designed specifically for adults with Spina Bifida.
Do you want to become more physically active but aren’t sure how to get started? Does going to a gym seem daunting? Join us for an online presentation where we will discuss:
– Why it’s important for you to be physically active.
– How you can begin a physical activity program, or re-start one if you’ve been inactive for a while.
– What activities and exercises you can do at home or in your neighborhood if you can’t get to a gym, or don’t want to go to a gym.
Watch the webinar
Fitness Resource Links
This SB-You webinar featured many resources to help get fit and stay healthy.
- Exercises for People with Spina Bifida
- Discover Accessible Fitness – A Wheelchair User’s Guide for Using Fitness Equipment
- NCHPAD Physical Activity Resources
- Inclusive Fitness Tips - Seated Wall Balls (video)
- Inclusive Fitness Tips - Wheelchair Burpees (video)
- How to Choose a Fitness Center (video)
- RubberBanditz
- Adam Guerrero's Exercise Routine I
- Adam Guerrero's Exercise Routine II
