On September 9, at 6:30 EST, The Spina Bifida Association presents a webinar titled, Your Bowel Management Program – It’s All In The Routine! This free program will feature three panelists: Fiona Paul, N, Ph.D., CPNP, a pediatric nurse practitioner at Boston Children’s Hospital, Amie Richards, an adult with Spina Bifida and member of our Adult Advisory Council and Adam Guerrero, an adult with Spina Bifida and professional public speaker.
This webinar will offer different perspectives on why it’s essential to have a consistent bowel management routine and ways to implement a successful program. You will have the opportunity to ask questions.
Specific points include; social and medical reasons for maintaining a consistent bowel routine, how hygiene affects daily social interactions, what makes a bowel management routine successful, examples of commonly used methods and suggestions to establish and maintain a routine. This program will also go over how to effectively communicate about your bowel routine and how to effectively use your support system to help maintain a routine.
Join us on September 9 for this informative program. Register by clicking here. If you cannot attend the live webinar, you will have the opportunity to view on our website at a later date.
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