Contact: Sheliah Roy, [email protected]
Subject: Spina Bifida Association Releases Guidelines for the Care of People with Bifida
[October 25, 2018, Arlington, VA] Today, the Spina Bifida Association, on World Spina Bifida Day, released the Guidelines for the Care of People with Spina Bifida. The Guidelines cover 25 care topics and provide evidence-based and medical expert guidance on caring for people with Spina Bifida (SB) from birth through adulthood. Close to 100 volunteer medical experts from around the world have been working for three years to bring these to publication.
These Guidelines provide the best and most scientifically-based treatment and care guidance for persons living with Spina Bifida throughout their ever-longer and higher-quality lives. They give Health Care Providers a roadmap on how to best care for a person with Spina Bifida. All the work was done by volunteer health care subject matter experts who donated their time because they are passionate that people with Spina Bifida receive the best care possible.
Sadie Dobrozsi, MD MS, Assistant Professor, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, Medical College of Wisconsin, explained, “As parents to a young child with spina bifida, the Guidelines championed by the Spina Bifida Association are invaluable to us. The Guidelines give us, our son’s healthcare providers, and his larger support team access to all of the best and brightest minds in the comprehensive care for individuals living with spina bifida from the comfort of our own community.”
About Spina Bifida Association
The mission of the Spina Bifida Association is to promote the prevention of Spina Bifida and enhance the lives of all affected. We work to make a practical, positive difference every day, helping to improve care so individuals can enjoy life to the fullest. The Spina Bifida Association (SBA) provides information, resources, assistance, advocacy, and connections to help all those affected by Spina Bifida.
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