Blog PostsApr 25, 2023

Hadley is a Dream that Almost Didn’t Come True

We’d like to share a heartwarming story of a little girl named Hadley, born with Spina Bifida and placed for adoption.  She needed a forever family who wasn’t afraid of the challenges she would face.

Meanwhile, Larry and Kelly Peterson dreamed of adopting a child, but since they both have Spina Bifida, adoption agency after adoption agency said, “No.”

The Petersons, however, refused to give up! Kind people like you stood behind them, and they were able to adopt Hadley. Today, the Petersons are successfully tackling many challenges, such as Hadley’s surgeries, finding the correct foot, leg and back braces, speech therapy, and more…all while learning to adapt to parenting from their wheelchairs!

I hope their story inspires you to support families like theirs through the Spina Bifida Association (SBA). Your donation today will help people with Spina Bifida by improving access to the specialized care they need, advocating for better services and supports, advancing research, raising awareness, and more. You’ll also lead the way in helping adults with Spina Bifida explore parenting options.

Thanks to people like you, SBA can be there every step of the way with the resources families like the Petersons need, including making sure kids like Hadley are connected to a Spina Bifida clinic and have support as they transition from pediatric to adult care.

That’s why we hope you’ll send the most generous gift you can — to fund research, advocacy, education and support that changes lives. We need you on our team!
